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Why Faster Is Not Always Better

Why Faster Is Not Always Better

So as I was getting ready for this week’s hike, I was feeling a little stressed out. I usually like to give myself a minimum window of three hours in which to do the 4.2 mile loop so that I can stop here and there, take pictures, journal, and just generally...
Why Discouragement Really IS the Worst

Why Discouragement Really IS the Worst

It finally happened on my Week 32 hike!  It was SPRING!  High near 70, sunny, breezy, perfect.  The flowers were blooming, the birds were singing, and the river was sparkling.  I would have really enjoyed myself if I wasn’t coming off a fresh wave of...
Why Words Only Mean What You Make Them Mean

Why Words Only Mean What You Make Them Mean

Look a little closer.  Yes, that’s SNOW on those leaves.  In the picture I took on April 10th.  I could complain about Spring taking it’s sweet old time arriving, but that would be arguing with reality, so why bother?  And in truth, it was a GORGEOUS...